Everything related to the timeruns.net scoreboard
Posts: 8 Joined: Thu Sep 19, 2013 1:35 pm
by suburb » Sat Mar 01, 2014 10:17 am
The way how score is calculated now should be changed since rank 1/2 gives more than 1/120 (yes, it does).
So I suggest a new formula made by me which is based on how many players attended the map divided by your rank. But if it would be like that, more records would mean = more score, so I modified it a bit. It would look like this:
(there are only 4 maps included, was too lazy to write in more)
p = players attended on map
r = your rank on map
a = amount of total records set
k = 1200
and here a random example (a player with four records):
Posts: 38 Joined: Sun Jun 17, 2012 11:22 am
by Diman » Sun Mar 02, 2014 12:51 am
Actually, you will never go less than 1200 points, so I think you can substract these 1200 because your score will not depend on the score of the others.
Would be good if Stealth calculated the scores with this system just like he did
here to give us a first look.
Posts: 140 Joined: Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:02 pm
by stealth » Sun Mar 02, 2014 1:42 pm
It's too much work to do it now. The website is different and uses ajax requests I think so scrapping data would be more time consuming. Unless you can find a way to get a
players page to show all records. (atm limit is 100 records per page)
I can't use the data I got last time since it's different webpages.
I would like to see the results, but I don't want to invest that much of my own time on it.
Posts: 38 Joined: Sun Jun 17, 2012 11:22 am
by Diman » Sun Mar 02, 2014 3:30 pm
Completed some calculations, but only my and suburb's ranks.
Suburb: 1270.85...
Diman: 1271.16...
The competition in general will happen in digits after comma (because of square roots), so I suggest to substract 1200 and multiply by 10, so we get:
Suburb: 708.54...
Diman: 711.57...
Site Admin
Posts: 168 Joined: Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:40 pm
by nico » Sun Mar 02, 2014 6:51 pm
Thanks Suburb for your post.
I took a snapshot of data from the website of 1st march and did some calculations.
Here is a calculation of AP scores based on Suburb's formula.
Code: Select all
lost 1221.845062
bazinga 1227.902815
essi 1228.469363
nightmare 1231.287415
vastie 1231.460737
hanibal 1231.669398
mr.sandman 1231.725972
mooze 1232.015342
advanc3d 1232.025042
>>>rambo. 1232.447759
m@ster 1232.636205
z&o 1232.739153
autist 1232.803595
madagasci 1232.859021
potilaasos 1232.986858
arkinder 1233.160490
freestyler 1233.215223
badboy 1233.240892
smellsfishy 1233.249209
lagy...:d 1233.396889
arneke 1233.537206
phyzic 1233.591823
kahvipapu 1233.618155
crazyfrog16 1233.661849
amethyst 1233.717094
rabowitz 1233.725641
eddo 1233.737058
noth 1233.754809
arma133 1233.775990
*mush? 1233.797773
ciamcia 1233.804025
legenddon 1233.830913
paladin 1233.845278
ryan 1233.978513
paulycake 1233.997778
tromort 1234.003776
stalker. 1234.006374
dnbradio 1234.018480
rgman 1234.035355
boro 1234.070407
smerf 1234.081834
hucka 1234.149858
book 1234.172098
oyspeed 1234.181986
leterii 1234.207381
boody 1234.217654
paddo 1234.265115
exotica 1234.289092
zanc 1234.297783
sabrewolf 1234.307846
$fbreak 1234.330996
zyga_:] 1234.345076
deadly 1234.364772
modu 1234.384231
flex 1234.388740
yave. 1234.388746
prada 1234.391712
meijer 1234.392383
calvin241 1234.393502
sprint 1234.395511
gaffaz 1234.412256
rokx 1234.436745
szczepcio 1234.446097
n3rdje 1234.446529
frynox 1234.447149
toska 1234.452013
flame 1234.455242
slendu 1234.460138
razorpl 1234.461634
creativeee 1234.462907
arcticbear 1234.463450
s3ti 1234.466632
ehamo 1234.469315
kwijl 1234.469571
expo 1234.470388
craccio 1234.471585
holdtj 1234.473508
cufffs 1234.481849
unkutsyd 1234.486320
instye 1234.487116
shamuzka 1234.488661
joobz 1234.489194
fr0g 1234.493514
kapot 1234.499026
legadema 1234.501131
xyel 1234.505907
found 1234.524036
fritsie 1234.528012
pinf 1234.528322
*luna* 1234.530404
s3boy 1234.530458
joey 1234.533520
lock 1234.534828
warpex 1234.538603
drakenjager 1234.544071
adeby 1234.546642
bendy 1234.549838
paddotje1 1234.550724
darkles 1234.551115
miura 1234.551748
999boob 1234.557064
no*name? 1234.557723
adam345 1234.558080
duact 1234.558928
mariobros6565 1234.559131
fujiii 1234.561138
aperitif 1234.562939
jacinator 1234.563427
asesex2.jpg 1234.565389
dydziekk 1234.565787
elitewesz 1234.567265
vyndem 1234.567370
fracziij 1234.571273
0o0o0o 1234.576878
spirit 1234.578060
olas 1234.580830
duperrrr 1234.581668
iceqb 1234.582624
sora?hns 1234.584316
7r0j4n 1234.584540
ben. 1234.584600
pudd 1234.585002
kaarl 1234.586336
juissilo 1234.586908
bones 1234.587574
zzz 1234.590595
radio 1234.591226
naked 1234.591584
bonkers 1234.593438
vikki. 1234.597401
nazaa 1234.598820
skoczek3000 1234.599785
ogmilo 1234.601040
salaatti 1234.601710
fun-nukeem 1234.602541
matej 1234.603991
pooned 1234.604832
dialer 1234.608452
bladinator 1234.609486
thunderr 1234.609743
clown 1234.611353
mazaboy 1234.612137
likwid 1234.612637
poseidon 1234.612844
veejay 1234.613422
ntz 1234.613714
hemuu 1234.614231
weedy 1234.614372
legi 1234.614569
tramalek 1234.616844
blue 1234.616860
raivo 1234.617115
innion 1234.618085
yoshi 1234.620362
bull 1234.621075
gungh0 1234.626508
fishxz 1234.626579
faarao 1234.626579
reddot 1234.626579
trickjayreal 1234.626579
zed 1234.626811
fredy 1234.627324
rzr 1234.627702
menno 1234.627865
neon 1234.628067
pasmkel 1234.628067
aram 1234.628439
k100 1234.628439
fearlessmark 1234.628579
kane 1234.628871
minisaudi 1234.628889
nero 1234.630429
project 1234.631282
zero 1234.632627
wut 1234.633143
virg377 1234.634091
devjii 1234.635026
ziizuz 1234.635960
999lullaby 1234.640619
gifted 1234.641615
naiter 1234.660449
zay 1234.669538
hazz 1234.673494
.namdam 1234.690865
morda 1234.693870
venomious 1234.701570
scorp 1234.706067
vortex 1234.710582
inept 1234.731749
drama queen 1234.779428
themeijer 1234.791507
dies 1234.823345
insaniity 1234.949335
god 1234.968407
chasin 1235.020813
mirqli 1235.053910
scaffa 1235.058998
highway 1235.114463
pupup0x 1235.133322
arca 1235.189470
run 1235.262523
spectator 1235.457242
corvus 1235.641188
haru 1235.695498
lol 1236.024445
sinek9 1236.140810
hooksinu 1236.783462
anthony 1237.100754
raven 1237.136171
stuns 1237.370662
kreper1 1237.551748
freakje 1238.460311
shady 1238.518989
flexz?? 1239.423994
gnou 1240.377750
skyence. 1240.467660
range 1240.543313
mathi 1240.747651
darky 1242.727456
asdaa 1243.127513
leoo 1243.233386
tmsk 1244.239718
uglybunny 1244.863942
evo 1244.983127
rena 1247.867892
stealth 1249.604643
ajb* 1250.089763
heheszki 1250.437828
nico 1251.578404
**sykos 1252.508523
di3s 1254.693746
timothy 1260.825772
f3mm3 1261.036715
fun-mrowl 1263.078291
outlaw 1268.293571
xdsander 1268.847170
revenge 1270.980992
diman 1271.138042
suburb 1271.398018
ninjadeer* 1276.387084
zad 1277.778184
et_exit. 1286.630000
As Diman pointed out, most of the competition is done on digits, so here is another calculation with -1200 and * 10:
Code: Select all
lost 218.450623
bazinga 279.028149
essi 284.693629
nightmare 312.874151
vastie 314.607374
hanibal 316.693982
mr.sandman 317.259718
mooze 320.153419
advanc3d 320.250421
>>>rambo. 324.477587
m@ster 326.362053
z&o 327.391529
autist 328.035951
madagasci 328.590210
potilaasos 329.868580
arkinder 331.604899
freestyler 332.152228
badboy 332.408922
smellsfishy 332.492090
lagy...:d 333.968886
arneke 335.372062
phyzic 335.918232
kahvipapu 336.181553
crazyfrog16 336.618490
amethyst 337.170944
rabowitz 337.256412
eddo 337.370581
noth 337.548092
arma133 337.759904
*mush? 337.977729
ciamcia 338.040246
legenddon 338.309130
paladin 338.452780
ryan 339.785126
paulycake 339.977778
tromort 340.037757
stalker. 340.063740
dnbradio 340.184795
rgman 340.353547
boro 340.704068
smerf 340.818338
hucka 341.498578
book 341.720983
oyspeed 341.819858
leterii 342.073807
boody 342.176538
paddo 342.651149
exotica 342.890925
zanc 342.977827
sabrewolf 343.078457
$fbreak 343.309957
zyga_:] 343.450761
deadly 343.647716
modu 343.842308
flex 343.887405
yave. 343.887465
prada 343.917119
meijer 343.923833
calvin241 343.935022
sprint 343.955111
gaffaz 344.122563
rokx 344.367447
szczepcio 344.460966
n3rdje 344.465288
frynox 344.471494
toska 344.520134
flame 344.552418
slendu 344.601381
razorpl 344.616338
creativeee 344.629074
arcticbear 344.634496
s3ti 344.666322
ehamo 344.693147
kwijl 344.695707
expo 344.703881
craccio 344.715848
holdtj 344.735079
cufffs 344.818488
unkutsyd 344.863197
instye 344.871159
shamuzka 344.886605
joobz 344.891938
fr0g 344.935145
kapot 344.990257
legadema 345.011315
xyel 345.059069
found 345.240361
fritsie 345.280119
pinf 345.283217
*luna* 345.304043
s3boy 345.304583
joey 345.335195
lock 345.348277
warpex 345.386033
drakenjager 345.440714
adeby 345.466424
bendy 345.498382
paddotje1 345.507235
darkles 345.511146
miura 345.517481
999boob 345.570636
no*name? 345.577225
adam345 345.580802
duact 345.589284
mariobros6565 345.591310
fujiii 345.611380
aperitif 345.629391
jacinator 345.634268
asesex2.jpg 345.653890
dydziekk 345.657867
elitewesz 345.672645
vyndem 345.673704
fracziij 345.712729
0o0o0o 345.768785
spirit 345.780605
olas 345.808304
duperrrr 345.816682
iceqb 345.826241
sora?hns 345.843165
7r0j4n 345.845396
ben. 345.845995
pudd 345.850018
kaarl 345.863356
juissilo 345.869077
bones 345.875741
zzz 345.905954
radio 345.912260
naked 345.915844
bonkers 345.934382
vikki. 345.974014
nazaa 345.988199
skoczek3000 345.997849
ogmilo 346.010400
salaatti 346.017102
fun-nukeem 346.025413
matej 346.039911
pooned 346.048323
dialer 346.084519
bladinator 346.094859
thunderr 346.097427
clown 346.113529
mazaboy 346.121366
likwid 346.126371
poseidon 346.128441
veejay 346.134224
ntz 346.137141
hemuu 346.142309
weedy 346.143722
legi 346.145692
tramalek 346.168442
blue 346.168603
raivo 346.171146
innion 346.180853
yoshi 346.203623
bull 346.210745
gungh0 346.265079
fishxz 346.265794
faarao 346.265794
reddot 346.265794
trickjayreal 346.265794
zed 346.268113
fredy 346.273238
rzr 346.277016
menno 346.278647
neon 346.280674
pasmkel 346.280674
aram 346.284390
k100 346.284390
fearlessmark 346.285791
kane 346.288705
minisaudi 346.288893
nero 346.304289
project 346.312819
zero 346.326273
wut 346.331425
virg377 346.340913
devjii 346.350261
ziizuz 346.359600
999lullaby 346.406187
gifted 346.416148
naiter 346.604487
zay 346.695380
hazz 346.734938
.namdam 346.908653
morda 346.938700
venomious 347.015697
scorp 347.060666
vortex 347.105817
inept 347.317486
drama queen 347.794284
themeijer 347.915075
dies 348.233447
insaniity 349.493353
god 349.684068
chasin 350.208126
mirqli 350.539095
scaffa 350.589983
highway 351.144632
pupup0x 351.333219
arca 351.894699
run 352.625235
spectator 354.572420
corvus 356.411875
haru 356.954981
lol 360.244447
sinek9 361.408101
hooksinu 367.834623
anthony 371.007542
raven 371.361709
stuns 373.706621
kreper1 375.517476
freakje 384.603112
shady 385.189891
flexz?? 394.239945
gnou 403.777503
skyence. 404.676605
range 405.433134
mathi 407.476506
darky 427.274560
asdaa 431.275127
leoo 432.333865
tmsk 442.397176
uglybunny 448.639424
evo 449.831274
rena 478.678916
stealth 496.046430
ajb* 500.897633
heheszki 504.378284
nico 515.784037
**sykos 525.085227
di3s 546.937456
timothy 608.257718
f3mm3 610.367150
fun-mrowl 630.782915
outlaw 682.935708
xdsander 688.471702
revenge 709.809916
diman 711.380424
suburb 713.980182
ninjadeer* 763.870839
zad 777.781837
et_exit. 866.300000
As a reference here are normal elo ranks with currently used algo:
Code: Select all
lost 929.717088
bazinga 937.770265
vastie 1018.080518
hanibal 1030.020271
essi 1056.956797
z&o 1057.959378
mr.sandman 1078.874573
potilaasos 1080.245213
smellsfishy 1082.933422
nightmare 1084.441764
madagasci 1085.917622
rgman 1088.113632
m@ster 1088.283430
amethyst 1091.699547
>>>rambo. 1092.426974
freestyler 1093.185305
arkinder 1093.927148
arneke 1094.065170
advanc3d 1096.397909
crazyfrog16 1097.335068
autist 1097.557299
badboy 1101.411696
ryan 1105.083949
morda 1108.464248
hucka 1111.529850
phyzic 1112.825160
lagy...:d 1113.513065
paulycake 1115.049176
meijer 1118.447409
eddo 1119.762179
paladin 1119.764255
kahvipapu 1122.253127
arma133 1125.113916
dnbradio 1126.529911
oyspeed 1127.966056
zanc 1130.311161
rabowitz 1132.120440
fr0g 1132.257020
zyga_:] 1134.592468
legenddon 1135.509158
ciamcia 1136.596624
paddo 1137.479820
$fbreak 1138.417675
boro 1140.461303
exotica 1140.687064
calvin241 1142.366629
boody 1143.988484
noth 1144.467621
prada 1145.258330
modu 1145.531509
s3ti 1147.577863
rokx 1148.782268
sabrewolf 1149.120502
flame 1153.977745
stalker. 1155.260187
kwijl 1156.175980
flex 1157.022037
leterii 1157.362089
scaffa 1158.390901
insaniity 1158.959142
cufffs 1158.990811
holdtj 1159.444724
gaffaz 1160.279849
frynox 1161.136712
book 1161.741377
mariobros6565 1161.793037
deadly 1162.103054
slendu 1162.668409
tromort 1163.769650
*mush? 1165.271287
legadema 1167.022888
*luna* 1167.245369
sprint 1167.307219
razorpl 1167.474186
unkutsyd 1167.555969
mirqli 1167.883805
skyence. 1168.025656
smerf 1168.388804
drama queen 1169.176607
raven 1169.804014
instye 1170.233172
kapot 1170.880143
darkles 1171.330595
creativeee 1171.873097
xyel 1172.433704
shamuzka 1173.041197
joobz 1173.436406
szczepcio 1173.666239
vortex 1173.760067
craccio 1174.039087
gungh0 1175.017488
s3boy 1175.538176
lock 1177.188840
naiter 1177.394581
sora?hns 1178.452510
adam345 1178.591829
n3rdje 1178.808046
ehamo 1179.404174
spirit 1179.904887
toska 1179.905895
arcticbear 1180.062452
fritsie 1181.371399
7r0j4n 1181.433041
adeby 1181.469619
drakenjager 1182.283603
expo 1182.582990
paddotje1 1182.815221
jacinator 1182.953078
vyndem 1183.445514
lol 1183.460249
bonkers 1183.643157
elitewesz 1183.715058
yave. 1184.021523
warpex 1184.241893
fun-nukeem 1185.012069
found 1185.261509
kaarl 1185.465958
pinf 1186.324276
asesex2.jpg 1186.327345
radio 1186.418803
fujiii 1186.515878
nazaa 1186.663683
aperitif 1187.017853
pudd 1187.658095
bones 1188.029716
fracziij 1188.057777
ajb* 1188.489943
poseidon 1188.497016
veejay 1188.691469
salaatti 1188.903312
thunderr 1189.034471
miura 1189.146475
no*name? 1189.506379
0o0o0o 1189.685611
bendy 1189.742667
zay 1190.326125
naked 1190.648072
dydziekk 1191.322755
juissilo 1191.388880
joey 1191.397226
ben. 1191.649486
duact 1192.080922
inept 1192.714548
legi 1192.922481
ogmilo 1193.192211
duperrrr 1193.237093
reddot 1193.243094
mazaboy 1193.244326
iceqb 1193.338550
zzz 1193.557011
clown 1193.571244
vikki. 1193.797952
matej 1193.903509
yoshi 1194.058311
bladinator 1194.137991
pooned 1194.146589
olas 1194.210959
999boob 1194.378306
fishxz 1195.142329
hemuu 1195.220578
dialer 1195.343200
fredy 1195.478661
raivo 1195.635339
corvus 1195.767870
zero 1196.099236
ntz 1196.174475
trickjayreal 1196.533504
neon 1196.673453
tramalek 1196.681126
faarao 1196.795187
pasmkel 1196.799028
likwid 1196.828442
menno 1196.982126
skoczek3000 1197.119350
innion 1197.237988
ziizuz 1197.368116
wut 1197.784616
nero 1198.196868
k100 1198.276993
venomious 1198.278768
aram 1198.283248
kane 1198.387992
bull 1198.406239
zed 1198.445515
minisaudi 1198.572234
weedy 1198.611977
rzr 1198.752927
pupup0x 1198.841708
project 1198.936180
virg377 1199.144064
fearlessmark 1199.380397
devjii 1199.489983
wieju 1200.000000
fredd1 1200.000000
make 1200.000000
straikie 1200.000000
katze 1200.000000
domi 1200.000000
samsunny 1200.000000
apple 1200.000000
potilas 1200.000000
adrian77 1200.000000
mataa 1200.000000
hightimes 1200.000000
merlinator 1200.000000
chemik 1200.000000
pudi 1200.000000
caspar 1200.000000
ironic 1200.000000
mystery312 1200.000000
pistolero 1200.000000
sjaak 1200.000000
sylabil 1200.000000
panda 1200.000000
lewcins 1200.000000
rurza 1200.000000
egoderko 1200.000000
kimiahk 1200.000000
zgred 1200.000000
matj 1200.000000
p4regeo 1200.000000
yoko 1200.000000
wasu 1200.000000
wolf 1200.000000
blizzul 1200.000000
hex?tuomas 1200.000000
sober 1200.000000
dmk 1200.000000
thelder 1200.000000
yjzz 1200.000000
nait 1200.000000
angel3287 1200.000000
ronsu 1200.000000
lushenko 1200.000000
mariskaa.ts 1200.000000
viperpt 1200.000000
aciz 1200.000000
razzz 1200.000000
puma-be 1200.000000
stati 1200.000000
bram 1200.000000
ninja 1200.000000
bananaboat 1200.000000
unnerum 1200.000000
azuix3 1200.000000
sinek9 1200.140593
999lullaby 1200.168583
blue 1200.325640
gifted 1200.403265
scorp 1201.435009
hazz 1202.548206
highway 1202.693077
.namdam 1202.717582
god 1202.781398
dies 1205.435402
chasin 1207.544882
themeijer 1207.721673
run 1213.340030
spectator 1217.505778
haru 1217.743731
mooze 1222.326725
freakje 1222.953413
arca 1235.732793
stuns 1239.045594
gnou 1241.328798
range 1248.370960
kreper1 1261.538129
anthony 1264.849122
**sykos 1273.288367
hooksinu 1279.259831
flexz?? 1279.766052
leoo 1283.099098
mathi 1287.178772
evo 1287.443468
shady 1302.907701
di3s 1314.153448
revenge 1315.654448
rena 1320.868528
uglybunny 1327.755520
f3mm3 1335.325047
darky 1335.725397
tmsk 1350.915900
nico 1360.957724
stealth 1364.120940
asdaa 1370.373460
heheszki 1380.865487
timothy 1384.928419
et_exit. 1427.166136
ninjadeer* 1429.336561
xdsander 1442.013145
diman 1450.870529
suburb 1484.879133
fun-mrowl 1520.985977
zad 1538.211709
outlaw 1580.056698
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Posts: 6 Joined: Wed Jan 08, 2014 9:25 am
by Lolwat » Sun Mar 02, 2014 10:50 pm
fuck yeah my score would go up
Posts: 140 Joined: Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:02 pm
by stealth » Mon Mar 03, 2014 12:12 am
Poor lost.
I prefer the current system which takes into account who you beat, not just if you come first. Interesting topic though.
Posts: 38 Joined: Sun Jun 17, 2012 11:22 am
by Diman » Tue Mar 04, 2014 4:51 am
stealth wrote: Poor lost.
I prefer the current system which takes into account who you beat, not just if you come first. Interesting topic though.
As I see it, you have to beat at least slightly more than half of records on a map to get your points growing (this (players/rank)^0.98 for each -2). I don't think that it will be too hard for pros to do this.
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Posts: 168 Joined: Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:40 pm
by nico » Sat Dec 27, 2014 4:44 pm
I made some calculation with AP scores of 27 dec 2014, the spreadsheet is available here:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... sp=sharing
I tried to graph the data but I'm not really good at that, feel free to copy and improve it (it's read only but comments are enabled)
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Posts: 38 Joined: Sun Jun 17, 2012 11:22 am
by Diman » Wed Dec 31, 2014 4:13 pm
The actual ELO rating graph and variation graph look alike. Same high score at the beginning, flat middle with the same 1200-ish score because of 1-10 account's tracked runs and low score with a lot of tracked runs.
I came with thoughts to put some weight over each PB a player has. Deleting by the number of the runs is obvious and linear so I suggest to have 1.75^n^(1/2.93605) - 0.75 and multiply the final score by 4. It starts with ~1 and grows up slowly eventually making further runs having less value. In ~2200 (the approximate number of all tracked runs) this function intersects with y=n.
Would be interesting to take average speed per run into account (and, maybe jumps?) if it won't make calctualtions too complicated.