Here is a new major release! Special thanks to all the contributors for keeping the development of the mod alive. It's now been more than 7 years since the first beta and here we are 23 releases later.
I expect players to encounter some bugs or regressions due to the lack of a proper testing system. Please report issues and let's keep things moving forward.
Breaking changes
- Rename all ETrun related cvars to etr_
- Rename cmd abort to interruptRun
- Rename cvar cg_lagometer to cg_drawLagometer
- Migrate to Geolite2
- fix: fix snapshud 2 bars shifting on rightmove
- fix: fix snapshud vq3 bars
- fix: fix lagspike of tutorial command
- fix: hidden players now don't make sounds anymore
- fix: hidden players can't be shot anymore
- fix: crosshairnames of hidden players aren't shown anymore
- fix: fix banner console printout indents
- fix: fix potential former abort cmd abuse
- fix: fix autodemo recording first attempt
- fix: fix broken legs state not resetting after loading in VET
- fix: fix axis soldier having thompson
- fix: fix autoloading weapon not available to class
- fix: fix wait variable of triggers not being overridden to 0.5 under certain circumstances
- fix: fix velocity snapping hud 2 not showing correct shift during aircontrol
- fix: fix noclip while proning not using correct viewheight
- fix: fix legs getting stuck in brushes on noclip while proning
- new: add additional demo statusline to replace console printouts
- new: add etr_autoDemoPrints, etr_pickupPrints cvars
- new: add etr_autoDemoStopDelay cvar
- new: add fast map change if alone on a server
- new: add custom shaders to draw triggers
- new: add etr_triggersDrawScale, etr_triggersDrawEdges cvars
- new: add RGB(A) cvars support
- new: add color cvars to HUD elements using RGB(A) cvars support
- new: add cvars to toggle all HUD elements
- new: add grouped popups
- new: add etr_popupGrouped cvar
- new: prevent upmove, -128 and z-rotation cheats
- misc: disable several restrictions for logged out clients
- misc: capitalize ETrun menu titles #169
- misc: hiderange takes effect only if client does not want to hide others
- misc: lagging and bugging clients aren't killed anymore
- misc: replaced loading aborted with a 0.5s spam protection
- misc: unify console and centerprint messages in color and format
- misc: autodemo now works while following a client
- misc: add hardcoded min vote delay ignoring vote_delay cvar
- misc: change sorting of demos in replay menu to A-Z case-insensitive
- misc: increase max demos in replay menu from 256 to 32768
- misc: replace railtrails debugging function with shaders
- misc: fireteam overlay isn't drawn if ingame menu is up
- misc: make all coordinate cvars accept float values
- misc: re-enable noclip while proning
- misc: color timestamps in the color of chatmode
- misc: re-align fireteam overlay rectangle
- misc: selfkill and manual teamchange are now spam-protected separately
Client & server files are available at GitHub.
Documentation is available at ReadTheDocs.