ETrun 1.4.0
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 2:38 am
- fix: fix upper stats font size of info panel #93 @suburbski
- fix: fix chat background shader width #109 @suburbski
- fix: fix CGaz 2 angles on AP ground #112 @suburbski
- fix: fix timer turning red before ending a tied run #119 @suburbski
- fix: fix drawkeys flickering while any menu is up #116 @suburbski
- fix: fix playermodel duplication while following by preventing noclipping as following client #121 @suburbski
- fix: fix centerprint printing `cp` instead of real message #123 @suburbski
- fix: fix window sizes in escape menus #130 @suburbski
- fix: fix loadpanel background color #132 @suburbski
- fix: fix banner printings with multiple lines #143 @suburbski
- fix: fix CGaz 2 line being drawn only to screen #145 @suburbski
- fix: fix chatwidth scaling with client resolution #154 @suburbski
- new: add classical & custom velocity snapping hud #94 #147 @suburbski
- new: add cvars cg_drawVelocitySnapping, cg_velocitySnappingH, cg_velocitySnappingY, cg_velocitySnappingFov #94 @suburbski
- new: add accel HUD #96 @suburbski
- new: add cvars cg_drawAccel, cg_accelSmoothness #96 @suburbski
- new: add /tutorial command for beginners #97 @suburbski
- new: add vote_delay cvar and set it to default 20s #101 @suburbski
- new: add visible triggers using railtrails with offset and color support #103 #152 @suburbski
- new: add cvars cg_drawTriggers, cg_triggerOffset, cg_triggerColor #103 #144 @suburbski
- new: add timestamps to player messages #109 #136 #153 @suburbski
- new: add cvars cg_chatX and cg_chatY #109 @suburbski
- new: add classical clock to UI #109 @suburbski
- new: add cvars cg_onRunStart, cg_onRunStop #110 @suburbski
- new: add maprestart vote #111 @suburbski
- new: add widescreen support #117 #138 @suburbski
- new: add cvars cg_widescreenSupport, cg_realFov, cg_realCGaz2 #117 #146 @suburbski
- new: add /abort command to abort current run #122 @suburbski
- new: add cmd mod_information #123 @suburbski
- new: add centerprint to actual start speed / cvar cg_minStartSpeed value #126 @suburbski
- new: add spectatorstate to UI #137 @suburbski
- new: add cvars g_disableCGaz and g_disableSnappingHUD #160 @suburbski
- misc: prevent trigger bug by introducing several start trigger related checks #95 @suburbski
- misc: better binocs with increased zoom and removed flashing / other drawings #99 #133 @suburbski
- misc: dropped clients no longer stay on the server #100 @suburbski
- misc: introduce vote delay which prevents double voting & spam voting #101 @suburbski
- misc: forbid connecting during a pending mapchange to prevent config load errors #102 @suburbski
- misc: introduce 0.5s load delay to prevent additional trigger bug #104 @suburbski
- misc: prevent pronebug and wallbug by killing the player under certain circumstances #105 #139 @suburbski
- misc: remove say_teamnl, location and brackets for say_team and say_buddy #109 @suburbski
- misc: remove am / pm from scoreboard drawclock #109 @suburbski
- misc: rename cvar cg_teamChatHeight to cg_chatHeight #109 @suburbski
- misc: cvar cg_drawClock now toggles UI clock instead of scoreboard clock #109 @suburbski
- misc: modify UI colors to mostly white #109 #135 @suburbski
- misc: modify inactivity drop to track viewangles instead of buttons #113 @suburbski
- misc: lock cvars cl_yawspeed & cl_pitchspeed to 0 #114 @suburbski
- misc: no longer force values in spec while noclipping #125 @suburbski
- misc: if cg_minStartSpeed is not reached, player is killed #126 @suburbski
- misc: remove `:` printing in console for vsay messages #136 @suburbski
- misc: remove flooding noclip ON/OFF messages in console #137 @suburbski
- misc: all printouts now start with capital letters #109 @suburbski
- misc: modified autodemo UI in top left hand corner #109 @suburbski
- misc: spectator info is now hidden while any menu is up #130 @suburbski
- misc: cvar cg_minStartSpeed is reset on mapchange #158 @suburbski
- misc: chatwidth scales with client resolution #154 @suburbski
- misc: bannerprints width scales with client resolution #161 @suburbski
- misc: mod is now 64-bit compatible #127 @boutetnico
Client & server files are available at GitHub.
A new documentation is available at ReadTheDocs.
This new release is made possible by Suburb's work, thanks! Thanks also to all testers.