Why another cup? because we like new maps and we like competition!
I hope we can get some fresh mappers this time, if you want to volunteer please post in this topic.
When making a map consider the guidelines timothy wrote in the previous thread:
Mappers so far:-Maps have to be at least 25 seconds long. Grinding for frames after 10 min of playing isn't much fun.
-No OB: Unless you make a map without ramps/slopes OB is too random and will be disabled.
-Make the map possible for every skill level, but preferably make some shorter routes as well that only skilled players can do. A good example for this is APcup2011-3-Runaos. The map is possible by just walking to the end and has jumppads and teles for the not so skilled players and ramps for the more skilled players.
-If you want slick in your map, you can choose between the old and new slick physics. Tell me which physics you want and the physics will change server side.
-Make correct use of killtriggers and teleporters. Use killtriggers at the start of a map and later use teleporters for areas players should not reach. (like a hole or lavafield you can fall in).
-Add well placed checkpoints.
-Make the map somewhat good looking. Don't make the map look boring. I'm not expecting everyone to make it as good looking as APcup2011-4-Stealth, but at least put some work in it.
-secret mapper!
-Jorge(not confirmed yet, also needs help with mapping

Do you want to contribute to the cup and make a map but you dont think you'll be able to make a good map all by yourself? why dont you team up with someone who has experience!
For questions about the APcup, the guidelines for the maps or maps in general you can contact:
ndeer(my xfire)
stealth6(Stealths xfire, for all your map related questions)
Lets make the next APcup the best one so far.