Here comes Beta 2 !
Test server is still the same:
Changes from Beta 1:
- spectators can now vote/callvote (thanks to Zero)
- added map existence check on callvote
- map change is now delayed by 15sec only if there is at least one active run
- fixed prone bug (view was acting weird while proning)
- cg_drawfps was working only for spectators, it's now fixed
- made ingame scoreboard bigger
- followed client while spectating was randomly changed, it's now fixed
- added the ability (cg_loadViewAngles) to disable loading view angles when using /load
- added class command from TJMod
- added a sound when you get killed by an ingame entity
- added pressed keys from TJMod (cf ETrun cvars)
- made hurt triggers slower (1sec delay between hurts)
- scoreboard now displays your best time of the last/current run played
- added an option (cg_autoLoad) to automatically load your saved position when you get killed
- added a new physics flag (128) to enable slick control
You can check ETrun cvars wiki for more info about cvars.
Some notes:
- You can vote to enable/disable overbounce and upmove bug fix. (Overbounce was enabled in TJMod, Upmove bug fix too) ;
- The record streaming/login system is not included in this Beta, your records are not sent nor saved, it's a test server ;
- Servers uses Q3_Pack1.pk3 to Q3_Pack16.pk3 + TimothyJoeyZowieTheiDukanker.pk3.